Tax Preparation

Your CPAs Guide To The New ERC Crisis

Tax Preparation 22 Min Read

IRS Announces Moratorium on the Employee Retention Credit and Provides Guidance for Civil Penalty Amnesty to Withdrawing Improper Claims, Also Known As - Don’t Deposit That Check and Hire Legal Counsel The expansion and strong marketing tactics of good-for-nothing “accounting advisors” who encouraged taxpayers to qualify for the Employee Retention Credit (“ERC”) when they did not technically qualify has caused

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Tax Preparation 6 Min Read

IRS Continues To Expand Online Services Available To Tax Professionals

The IRS is continuing to expand online services available to tax professionals who use ta Tax Pro Account. A Tax Pro Account allows tax professionals to access a digital self-service portal to view and manage certain taxpayer information. Tax Pro Account If you aren’t familiar with the Tax Pro Account,

Tax Preparation 4 Min Read

Congress Votes To Avoid A Government Shutdown—For Now

There is no government shutdown—for now. On Sept. 30, 2023, with a few hours to go before midnight, the House passed a bipartisan bill to fund the government for 45 days. The bill then moved to the Senate, where it was approved. President Biden signed the bill into law on

Tax Preparation 4 Min Read

IRS Leaker Of IRS Tax Data To The Press Is Charged With Tax Crimes

An Internal Revenue Service consultant has been charged with disclosing a cache of tax return information without authorization. You can read about the charges here. The charges are not proven, but according to court documents, Charles Littlejohn, 38, of Washington, D.C., while working at the IRS as a government contractor,

Tax Preparation 7 Min Read

Taxpayer Advocate Warns Office Won’t Be Able To Help Taxpayers During A Shutdown

With a government shutdown on the way, federal agencies are taking steps to get ready—including the IRS. The IRS released its contingency plans on Thursday, Sept. 29 (you can read more about it here). Today, the National Taxpayer Advocate, Erin M. Collins, detailed the Taxpayer Advocate Service plans, noting, “today

Tax Preparation 12 Min Read

What A Government Shutdown Means For The IRS

With only days to go until a potential government shutdown, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced that it would furlough 60,000 of its employees if the government shuts down on Sunday. This drastic move has worrying implications for both the IRS and taxpayers. Not only will the IRS face

Tax Preparation 9 Min Read

Tax Governance- Large Business- Tax Strategy Requirements

This article focuses on another tax governance obligation for large businesses in the UK; the requirement to publish their tax strategy. It is a follow-up to a previous article about Senior Accounting Officer (SAO) requirements. As well as businesses that fall within the SAO regime, it is a legal requirement

Tax Preparation 8 Min Read

As Government Shutdown Appears More Likely, Treasury Releases IRS Contingency Plan

It looks as if a government shutdown is imminent—and federal agencies are taking steps to get ready, including the IRS. According to the Washington Post, the government started notifying federal workers on Thursday, Sept. 28, that a shutdown was likely. The Department of Treasury followed suit. I previously reported that

Tax Preparation 6 Min Read

New IRS Chatbots Use AI In Aim To Assist Taxpayers—And They Actually Work

The IRS has announced the availability of expanded chatbot technology on the official IRS website to help answer basic questions for people receiving notices. The announcement alone is pretty exciting for taxpayers and tax professionals who have found themselves sitting on speaker phone for what feels like an interminable wait

Tax Preparation 14 Min Read

Earlier Government Shutdowns Offer A Glimpse Of What Taxpayers Might Expect From IRS, Other Agencies

Remember that huge IRS backlog? It's easy to think back and assume that the problems began with the pandemic, but they had started well before that. The last government shutdown started the IRS on its path to a massive paper logjam. Here's a look at what happened. Could it happen

Tax Preparation 22 Min Read

Tax Planning For Traders

Recent tax acts don’t change trader tax status (TTS), Section 475 MTM accounting, wash-sale losses on securities, or the tax treatment on financial products, including futures (Section 1256 contracts) and cryptocurrencies (intangible property). It’s helpful to consider IRS inflation adjustments in income and capital gains tax brackets, various income thresholds

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