
Zoom’s Return-To-Office Could Doom The Company

Leadership 4 Min Read

Exceptional leaders often excel as skilled storytellers, and for good reason. Once a company hits a certain level of organizational complexity, one of the most important tasks the CEO has is to craft intellectually coherent and captivating narratives about the firm, its purpose, and its performance. Failure in this task means undermining the very existence of the company; a sin

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15 Challenges Mid-Level Managers Moving Into Executive Leadership Face

Moving from mid-level management into an executive leadership role often requires major shifts in one’s perspective and approach. New C-suite executives sometimes struggle to leave behind the duties of their previous workload to focus on the responsibilities of their new position. Fortunately, there are effective ways for both rising leaders

Leadership 7 Min Read

Cruise’s San Francisco Suspension Exposes People’s Ableism And Underscores Abled Privilege Enjoyed By Most

A report this week from Ricardo Cano at the San Francisco Chronicle said the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) suspended Cruise, the autonomous vehicle startup, after the company allegedly “withheld crash footage” of an incident which occurred on October 2. Local news organization Mission Local also reported on the

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Enough With The Work-Life Balance Myth

How do you achieve work-life balance? Companies and employees have been trying to solve this problem for centuries. But what if this is the wrong problem to solve? If we forgo the pursuit of balance and instead strive to give undivided attention to the things that matter most, work-life harmony

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Mastering Calm During High-Stakes Scenarios: The 3-Step Formula

In the world of personal mastery, Joey Kline, Founder and CEO of Inner Matrix Systems brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, with a focus on aligning and rewiring emotions, thought strategies, and the nervous system. He joined Negotiate Anything to share valuable insights into keeping your cool under

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Meet 3 Inspiring LGBTQ+ Leaders

Like many other epidemics, AIDS disproportionately impacts marginalized populations like the LGBTQ+ community. Widespread stigma and discrimination contribute to social exclusion, creating barriers to testing, treatment, education, and care. LGBTQ+ communities often face higher rates of poverty and homelessness, which can increase the risk of HIV exposure. And, shockingly, same-sex

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The Crucial Role Of Comms Experts In Driving AI-Powered Payments

Antony Robinson is the chief marketing officer (CMO) at Novalnet AG. When considering what makes a retailer or provider’s online payment system customer-centric, we tend to look at two different metrics: Is it effortless, and is it secure? The customer must be able to make the payment in a smooth,

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Three Reasons Turning Your Video Off Threatens Your Influence

Stacey Hanke is author of the book “Influence Redefined… Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday®.” You’re multitasking. Admit it. You know it, and so do those you work with. People pay attention when your video is off. The blank black tile with your name scrawled

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How To Prepare For A Downturn In The White-Collar Job Market

When the economy is challenging, and you are trying to find a new job or advance within your company, you must actively prepare for the worst-case scenario. Taking proactive steps, such as learning new skills, working on your communication and soft skills, taking online learning courses, becoming the much-needed go-to

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Researchers Say High School Civics Test Doesn’t Boost Voting. They’ve Lost The Plot.

Last month, the American Educational Research Association (AERA) touted a new study reporting that, as the press release headline had it, “State-Mandated Civics Test Policy Does Not Improve Youth Voter Turnout.” With more than a little evident glee, given the education school community’s hostility to anything that smacks of testing,

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With Loom Deal, Atlassian Anticipates the Future of Remote Work

For those preaching the end of investment in remote collaboration tools, Atlassian has a rebuttal. The software giant known for its productivity tools announced this month that it will pay $975 million to acquire Loom, a video sharing tool used to give asynchronous presentations and updates. As part of Atlassian,

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