Growing a Business

Zack Oates of Ovation on Building Business Connections through Digital Storytelling

Growing a Business 4 Min Read

Soliciting feedback from customers often seems like a daunting task. However, Zack Oates and his team at Ovation have cracked the code with a proven strategy that not only encourages guest feedback, but also establishes a personal connection for exceptional results.Zack Oates and the guest feedback platform Ovation have taken a radically different approach to hearing from customers, which stems

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Gold Coin Business Run by Married Couple Turns Deadly

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I Watch Great Teams Make These Business-Destroying Mistakes All The Time. Here’s Where They’re Going Wrong.

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What Is Modern PR, and Why Is it Crucial for Your Brand?

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Building a Successful Business on a Foundation of Feedback

Alok Ahuja started Trexity, a last mile, local delivery platform, after realizing there was a specific need for a software platform that offers efficient, same-day delivery from small businesses to the doorsteps of customers. This realization came when Alok was juggling the multiple responsibilities that came with being a stay-at-home

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3 Keys to Success for Black Women Entrepreneurs

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How Trusting Your Employees Leads to Long-Term Business Success

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4 Critical HR Mistakes Companies Make That Hurt Their Growth

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